Friday, December 28, 2012

My birthday was Thursday. I've been the first one awake this Christmas break, so on the morning of my birthday I got up and slipped out to starbucks for my favorite holiday drink.
When Isabella and Michael were up, Michael made pancakes and chocolate syrup. We had a good morning at home until it was time to leave for my favorite lunch spot. I don't know if it was exhaustion from the holidays or what, but Isabella had a HUGE meltdown when it was time to go. I tried for about 30 minutes to get her calm, she kept saying she wanted to stay home, but she wanted to stay with me. We decided for Michael to stay home with her, so I left for lunch with her screaming for me. :( That was kind of terrible, but she fell asleep soon after I left, for what was an early nap, so she must have been really tired.
After lunch we went to Anthropologie for a little while, then went to pick up Michael. My dad came and watched Isabella while we went to see Les Miserables. I've been so looking forward to see it! It was also my dad's first time to keep Iz by himself, and after the morning...I was a bit nervous, but they got on great.  The rest of my family met up with us for dinner, and then we went back to our house for chocolate cake and peppermint ice cream.

Michael persevered in making my cake, even with some obstacles. It tasted great!

Goodbye 30!

Overall I had a great birthday, doing some of my favorite things with my favorite people. I received many great and thoughtful gifts and birthday money! I'm looking forward to the adventures 31 will bring.

We woke up to an unexpected beautiful snow this morning.  We ate breakfast together watching it come down.

For the past few days every time we have told Isabella it was time to leave to go somewhere she has cried. And while she's had fun when we got where we were going, it seemed she was in need of a day at home. So we declared she would not leave the house today. Also known as "holiday detox" as my friend called it. :) We did our best to keep her regular naps and some schedule over the holidays, but there were several late nights and a lot of going. Michael and I each ran some errands separately today, but for the most part we were all at home in our pjs just hanging out.
She finally got to play in snow. We were probably outside about 15-20 minutes before she said, "lets go inside Mom".

Tomorrow night we have the last of our Christmas celebrations with my Mom's extended family. It is hard to believe this year and Christmas are coming to a close. This time of year always finds me reflective, nostalgic, and ready to get our home back to some kind of order. But I am also relishing the things about right now.

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