Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rain, saying yes, making bread, & such

 We've had lots of rain the past few days. Monday morning Isabella kept asking to play outside. ("Water?", "Puddles", WATER?!", "PEEASE? PEEASE?") We've played in puddles before, but not while its actually raining. And it was a downpour. I didn't want to go out and get wet. But in my short time of parenting, I'm finding there are lots of opportunities to say No. And sometimes I feel like I say it A LOT in one day. So I decided to say yes. We put coats and boots on over our pajamas and splashed and splashed. One of us girls was really happy. :)
 Tuesday was our bread making day. Isabella was quite fascinated watching the mixer mix the dough. And with my necklace.
 It turned out much better than my first attempt on my own.
 We played at the science museum today. The girls loved the bubbles!
 My mom got to join us as she is on spring break. Half of Isabella's face is covered in red and purple marker from her face painting. It was a great time!
This was our cue to leave the park this evening. (And that I needed to start dinner....and that isabella went down the slide into a pool of water...and that her Nana was at our door.) The clouds were so beautiful earlier today with a bright blue sky for their background, but this evenings' clouds were equally impressive!

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