It also made me want to know how to make peach jam! I wanted to learn from someone how to create in this way as it seems to be an art going by the wayside. I causally mentioned...'if you do that again next Summer I would love to learn from you'.
She contacted me a few weeks ago saying she had several boxes of peaches coming in and had picked a date to begin the work.
Jars all clean and ready to go.
Peaches galore!
It was a multi-step process of heating the peaches, shocking them in ice water, peeling them, chopping, lightly pureeing them in the food processor, heating the mixture on the stove with the pectin, boiling, adding sugar, canning, and probably more I am forgetting.
Just coming to a boil. Kelly instructed me how to skim the foam of the top. The foam was delicious by the way!
My jam poured, sealed, ready to eat.!!! I have spent many hours sitting at Kelly's feet in supervision, and it was a blessing to spend today with her learning a new art. I think I would be able to do it on my own now.
We spent the morning at a birthday party at the Orr Family Farm. We had a great time! Happy Birthday Kaitlyn!
Recently, as Isabella has been taking in more of the world, one of my favorite things about being a parent has been watching the world through her eyes. Her curiosity. The wonder of everything. It is magic.
She had many firsts at the farm, and it was a fun day!
Riding the train around the farm.
Checking out the goats- Just like in her touch and feel books!
Just a little over two feet!
She had her first pony ride! When Michael first sat her on the horse, she was afraid. She leaned over reaching for him. But after a second, she steadied herself, the horses started walking, and she loved it!
The party ended with her first carousel ride. Carousels always remind me of my dad. After being at any amusement park our last ride before going home was always the carousel. It was always kind of funny. You spent the day riding the Texas giant, flashback, Mr. Freeze, etc...then rode the carousel. Go out with a bang right?
Getting strapped in...
My girl with some of the kids at the party.
She looks so small! She did great at the party even though we had to wake her up from her nap. She partied hard then napped for three hours this afternoon while her mama was busy making peach jam!
Great day for both of us!
The Orr Family Farm is on my list of Oklahoma Spots to visit when I get back....tell her Nana wants to ride the carousel with her but maybe we will wait for cooler weather~