Music Recommendation
If you haven't already listened to his music on the iLike sidebar here on the blog, I want to recommend a guy by the name of Eric Hutchinson. His music is a combination of Stevie Wonder meets Justin Timberlake meets Ben Folds meets Prince meets Billy Joel. Sounds like a weird combo, but trust me, it's good. He has a very original, very upbeat pop rock sound with a lot of electric piano and foot tapping beats. Having said all that, despite how cliche' it sounds, E-Hutch (as a like to call him) really does defy categorization. Which probably explains why we're not hearing his stuff on the radio.Songs I particularly like, though they're all good are (pop up alert):You've Got YouOk, It's Alright With MeYou Don't Have to Believe MeRock & RollFood ChainHope you enjoy.
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