Saturday, April 06, 2013


 I'd been gathering a few things for Isabella's Easter basket since January, and I was excited to give it to her. Michael surprised me Easter morning with my favorite- snickers eggs, a frappuccino, and flowers.

Pink fingernails by Daddy. 
She bit the bunny ears off her chocolate right away, and wanted to color with her new colors.
Michael's parents joined us for church and then we headed to my mom's house for lunch.

Each place setting had an egg and name card. My egg had money inside for a pedicure, which is awesome because the night before I bent over to paint my toenails...which was a ridiculous task at 9 months pregnant! Try sitting down with a large pumpkin in your lap and attempt to paint your toes with a steady hand.

 Mom makes an egg shaped chocolate chip cookie every year. 

 More egg hunting

Last egg hunt of the week, in the books!

We napped that afternoon and had left over ham and homemade bread for dinner. 

* I later realized we took no family pictures on Easter. I attempted to take a picture with Isabella on the way to my mom's...this is how they turned out:


  1. Those last pics are way better than any family portrait! Love her expressions!

  2. I LOVE the many faces of Isabella!

  3. I LOVE the many faces of Isabella!
