Comprehensive Exams
In case you didn't know, I've been working on getting my Master's of Education from the University of Oklahoma now for last year and a half. Well, I'm nearing completion and the only hurdle standing in my way is a little test I have to take this coming Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. in Norman. And by little test, I mean HUGE... Basically I have four hours to answer three questions that are supposed to cover all of the knowledge I have gained in the time I've been in the program. One question will be over Higher Education Research, one question will be over Higher Education Administration, and one question will be over Critical Literature in Adult and Higher Education. I have to answer all three questions, but luckily I only have to get a satisfactory score on two of them to pass. Oh yeah... I would be remiss if I didn't give you one other tid-bit of background information... I haven't started studying yet. No, instead I've been doing just about everything else in the world I can think of to put it off. I've been doing work at home in the evenings, creating blogs, going over to friends' houses for dinner, shopping for office furniture, exercising like I've never exercised before (this may not be such a bad one), watching all my favorite TV shows, and just about anything else unproductive you could imagine. Isn't that a strange phenomenon? It seems like the times I've been the most productive in the most areas of my life are simultaneously the times when I've been the least productive in the one thing I really need to be being productive at. Weird, huh? With that said, I must start studying. Saturday morning will be a big adventure.
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